The Overlord team is proud to announce the release of version 1.0.0.Final. There are three major components within this release:
1) S-RAMP - SOA Repository Artifact Model and Protocol (based on the OASIS standard)
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2) DTGov - Design Time Governance
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3) RTGov - Run Time Governance
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If you have any questions about the Overlord governance capabilities, please post to the User Forum.
If you find any issues or would like to raise a feature request, then
please access the Jira issue tracking system for the particular
sub-component. Links to these are found on the Overlord website.
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- Artifact repository
- Built on top of ModeShape
- Stores artifact content and meta-data including:
- Core properties (name, description, version, etc)
- Custom ad-hoc properties (name-value)
- Relationships between artifacts
- Hierarchical tagging system called Classifiers
- Rich XPath-like query language to search the repository
- Atom based REST API
- Automatic decomposition of artifacts based on type
- Built in support for common S-RAMP types (XSD, WSDL, etc)
- Extensible to support additional types (Teiid VDB, switchyard.xml, etc)
- Command Line Interface
- Supports interactive and batch modes
- Built-in commands to manage and search for artifacts in the repository
- Extensible to allow contributing custom commands
- Maven integration
- Can "mvn deploy" a deployment artifact directly into S-RAMP
- Able to use S-RAMP artifacts as dependencies in maven projects
- Web UI
- Based on Errai 2.4
- Allows granular management of content in the repository
- Can be used to manipulate all artifact meta-data
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- Built on top of the S-RAMP artifact repository
- Supports triggering Governance Workflows based on repository changes
- Embeds jBPM 6 to support workflow execution
- Maps an S-RAMP query to a workflow definition
- Includes an out-of-the-box Governance Workflow to handle Deployment Lifecycle Management
- Implements several REST services to support Governance Workflows
- General purpose Notification (email) Service
- Artifact meta-data Update Service (used to add meta-data to the S-RAMP artifact being governed)
- Deployment Service used to deploy binary artifacts into runtime EAP systems
- Supports RHQ
- Supports JBoss AS CLI
- Supports direct file copying
- Can also deploy into a Maven repository
- Supports multiple, configurable logical deployment targets (e.g. DEV, TEST, PROD)
- Web UI
- Includes a Task Inbox for human tasks created by the Governance Workflows
- Provides a UI specific to the Deployment Lifecycle Governance Workflow
- Can drill into a deployment to see its contents
- Shows the change history for a deployment
- Provides a way to see which deployments are deployed to which environments
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- Activity Collector
- Activity events can be reported directly to the Activity Server via REST service, OR
- Embedded
collector to intercept activities, pre-process the information to
extract correlation details and business relevant properties, before
batching events for distribution to the server.
- Events can be 'validated' using pluggable event processors, which can be used to block business transactions
- Activity Server
- Provides a REST interface to enable events to be reported
- Persists activity information
- Distributes reported events to subscribed components.
- Event Processor Network
- Subscribes to the Activity Server, to receive reported activity events
- Distributes activity events through a series of registered networks, that consist of event processors to validate, transform and retransmit events. Processors can be specified using Java, Drools CEP rules and MVEL.
- Maintaining Derived Results
- Information derived by the Event Processor Network can be presented as a set of 'active' collections
- Components can directly access these collections, or issue queries through a REST API.
- Web UI
- Runtime governance information is provided through a set of gadgets.
- Service Response Time Gadget - displays response time information per service and optionally operation.
- Situations Gadget - table for displaying situations detected by the event processing (e.g. SLA violation)
- Call Trace Gadget - provides a tree based visual display of the call stack associated with a business transaction
- Service Overview - graphical representation of the services and their dependencies, showing response time and invocation details.
- Runtime governance information is provided through a set of gadgets.