Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Overlord S-RAMP: 0.7.0.Final Released!

Overlord S-RAMP 0.7.0.Final has just been released!  For the full details, please see the release notes in JIRA: https://issues.jboss.org/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12311420&version=12319965.

One important request: We're renaming Overlord S-RAMP!  In order to highlight the project as a viable standalone solution, as well as to better distinguish between the project and spec names, we're currently brainstorming new ideas.  If you have a suggestion, please add it to https://developer.jboss.org/thread/249956!

Another topic to highlight is the deprecation of Jetty, Fuse, and Fuse Fabric support.  It was decided that the amount of work necessary to support them was taking too much time away from new features and bug fixes.  Further, it's our understanding that none of them were used in the community.  Note that they have not been completely removed.  Rather, they're simply pulled out of the Maven model under SRAMP-620.  If you feel strongly about either of them and would like to see continued support, please let us know: https://community.jboss.org/en/overlord.  I am definitely not against re-enabling them if there is an actual need.

New Feature and Enhancement Highlights:

  • Overlord S-RAMP is now around 95% compliant with the OASIS S-RAMP spec.  Remaining tasks are tracked under SRAMP-462.  A notable task was full support for the SOA and ServiceImplementation logical models (SRAMP-167).
  • 100% spec compliance should be expected in the next release, which would most likely constitute a 1.0 release candidate.
  • SRAMP-609
    A new "ArtifactBuilder" extension contract was created, replacing the old "Deriver" and "Linker" concepts.  This provides a powerful means to automatically generate custom metadata, relationships, and derived content whenever relevant artifacts are deployed to S-RAMP.  A suite of built-in Builders are provided, covering most use cases.  However, developing your own is also supported. See http://docs.jboss.org/overlord/sramp/0.7.0.Final/html/_overlord_s_ramp_implementation.html#_extending_custom_artifactbuilder for more info.
  • SRAMP-580
    If an artifact is deployed to S-RAMP, without explicitly providing the artifact's model and type, the server now automatically attempts to detect it.  Another extension contract was added to support this: "ArtifactTypeDetector".  As with "ArtifactBuilder", S-RAMP also provides several Detectors OOTB, but custom implementations are possible.
  • SRAMP-531
    Previously, archive expansion (discovering artifacts within a jar/war/ear/zip) was handled by each individual client.  Instead, this was moved to the server.  So, regardless of the client, archives will be exploded and parsed in a consistent, automatic manner.
  • SRAMP-601
    The deleteContent action is now supported, allowing a document artifact's content to be completely deleted (the spec, as well as some use cases, require this).  See the next bullet for a discussion about constraints.
  • SRAMP-541
    The update, updateContent, delete, and deleteContent actions now have a set of restrictive constraints that must first be dealt with.  These include custom metadata, relationships, etc.  This guarantees data integrity, as well as furthering the "impact analysis" use cases.  Further, updateContent and deleteContent now automatically regenerate and delete all applicable derived content, respectively.  See https://developer.jboss.org/thread/250173 for more discussion and details.
  • SRAMP-466
    When deploying artifacts through S-RAMP's "batch" capability, the entire batch is now given priority when relationships are resolved, as opposed to first checking the existing artifacts in the repo.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Overlord RTGov and Elasticsearch integration

A quick demo of RTGov and elasticsearch based on the order management and SLA quickstarts. The demo shows

  • Using Kibana to visually analyze the response time information from order management service and and internal components 
  • Identify a slow running component that may breach a SLA
  • Deploy a EPN to react on these SLA breaches and create situations
  • Query elasticsearch and drilling down into data that is of interest and building custom Kibana dashboards from the RTGov data

RTGov and Elasticsearch

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Overlord RTGov: 2.0.0.Final Released!

Along with the recent S-RAMP and DTGov releases, we have also released a new major version of RTGov.

This version includes the following main changes:

  • One of the most significant changes is the replacement of the Gadget Server UI, with its RTGov gadgets (response times, call trace, situations, service overview) with a new UI. Although the gadget server approach was useful for displaying individual widgets, it did not work well for navigating between related information. The new UI has been designed to enable the user to navigate around related information. It is only the first version of the new UI, so more features will be added - and any feedback on how it can be improved is always welcome.
  •  Integration with Elasticsearch and Kibana. The previous version of RTGov stored activity information in a relational database. RTGov 2 now supports storage of this information in Elasticsearch (a NoSQL database), along with UI integration with Kibana, to provide analytic capabilities over the stored information.
  • Fuse support. RTGov, along with the other Overlord projects, can now be used within Fuse.

For further information on the new features and bug fixes included in this release, please see the release note.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Overlord DTGov: 1.4.0.Final Released!

After reading about the S-RAMP release I'm betting you're not shocked to learn that we also released a new version of Design Time Governance!  These two projects continue to be linked pretty tightly, but Hint that might be changing in the future....

For now, we hope you enjoy the latest 1.x version of Design Time Governance.  For full details, you can view the Release Notes.  If that's tl;dr then here are the highlights:

  • Full support for custom Deployers (including in the UI) [DTGOV-205]
  • View both deployed workflow definitions and running instances in the Workflows UI [DTGOV-209]
  • Better (full) support for the RHQ deployer [DTGOV-197]
  • Much better installation experience on Fuse!  [DTGOV-144]
  • Tons of bug fixes (of course)...
Download now and give it a whirl:

Overlord S-RAMP: 0.6.0.Final Released!

Overlord S-RAMP 0.6.0.Final has just been released!  For the full run-down, have a look at the release notes in JIRA: https://issues.jboss.org/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12311420&version=12319965.  Here are a few highlights:

Get it while it's hot!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Preview/Alpha Release of Overlord API Management

The Overlord team has been working on a new project ( https://github.com/Governance/apiman ) that provides rich API Management functionality.  The project is still in its early days, so any thoughts/feedback is even more appreciated than normal.

The project site is here:


The quickstart (linked from the web site) can be run straight from the maven source and ultimately runs in WildFly 8.1.

If you're interested in runtime API Management governance capabilities, give us a look and join us in the conversation!

New website launch!

We're excited to announce the launch of the Overlord project's new website: http://www.projectoverlord.io  We'd sincerely appreciate your feedback or ideas!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Overlord 1.1.0.Beta1 Released

The Overlord team is pleased to announce the release of Overlord 1.1.0.Beta1, comprised of SRAMP 0.5.0.Beta1, DTGov 1.5.0.Beta1 and RTGov 2.0.0.Beta1. We will also be launching our new website shortly (http://governance.github.io/). Please take a look and let us know what you think.

The common features across the components are:
  • Support for EAP 6.3 and Fuse 6.1 (Fabric support to follow shortly)
  • Numerous bug fixes



  • Maven facade (early preview)
  • Many doc improvements
  • Moved from jline to aesh
More details: http://red.ht/TBjjAl



  • Jetty 8 Support
  • New Admin UI to manage Workflow Triggers
  • Notification Service email templates can now come from S-RAMP
More details: http://red.ht/1lyY0pF



  • New UI to replace previous Gadget Server approach
  • Integration with Elasticsearch and Kibana for analytics
More details: http://red.ht/1iVa0r6

Speak thanks to Ivan McKinley for Elasticsearch contributions, Michael Clay for work on the new RTGov UI, and help from the SwitchYard, ModeShape and Fuse teams.

Friday, March 14, 2014

DTGov Release: Version 1.2.0.Final

We are very pleased to announce the release of version 1.2.0.Final of Overlord DTGov.  This latest version contains a number of bug fixes along with support for Tomcat 7!

Please download it and give it a try!  We welcome all ideas and feedback.

S-RAMP Release: Version 0.4.0.Final

We are happy to announce the release of version 0.4.0.Final of the Overlord S-RAMP project.  This new version contains a number of a bug fixes, but most importantly we now have support for all of the following runtime platforms:

  • JBoss EAP 6.1
  • JBoss Fuse 6.1
  • Tomcat 7

Additionally, the S-RAMP User Interface now includes an Ontology Manager, which is long overdue.  It's pretty hard to manage ontologies without an editor, due to the format (RDF + OWL Lite) of the file.  To help with that, version 0.4.0.Final includes a user interface that will allow users to create, upload, and edit their ontologies.

It is of course recommended that users finalize (as much as possible) their ontologies prior to using them to classify artifacts.  Once an ontology is heavily used to classify artifacts, it becomes much more difficult to make significant (read non-addition) changes to it!

Monday, February 10, 2014

S-RAMP specification 1.0 is public!

We are proud to announce that OASIS just officially published the S-RAMP 1.0 specification:


The Overlord project had two members on the TC (Eric and yours truly), while Randall Hauch joined from the ModeShape project. The Overlord S-RAMP implementation is an Apache 2.0 licensed Open Source implementation of the specification, and it has already found adoption as the Enterprise repository of choice; one repository for all enterprise artifacts. You can download the complete spec bundle from http://docs.oasis-open.org/s-ramp/s-ramp/v1.0/cs01/s-ramp-v1.0-cs01.zip. For our implementation see: https://www.jboss.org/overlord.

